Q & A
Q. Do I have to be completley nude for a Lomi Lomi Massage ( Sacred Lomi Massage) ?
A. Yes and No. For the full Hawaiian ritual it makes it a lot easier for the massage therapist to perform the full body stokes and is quite necessary for the client to be completely nude. You will always have proper draping over your private parts/genitalia. But you are in charge. If you are uncomfortable you can leave your undergarmets on and the Sacred Lomi treatment will be adjusted. You will not receive the full ritual as intended. Or you can choose a Swedish Massage instead and undress to your comfort level which really means you can take everything off and leave your underwear on.
Q. Why don't you accept walk-ins or same day appointments for new clients?
A. This business is located inside a residence home inside a gated community. There are arrangements that need to be done beforehand. Also in our experience last minute schedulers rarely ever actually show up. That means someone waited for the scheduled person for no reason and without pay, another client may have lost out on a treatment they could have had if the time slot was available. Or the person needing a last minute massage just woke up with a sudden onset of muscle soreness which is the first sign of a flu of some kind and they are in the most contagious stage. The massage therapist never gets paid sick days so it's important to have time to rule out such an event. There litrally are so many more reasons we can't list them all. But we hope this sheds some light on the subject.